How Does A Quad Ring Work?

The key to maintaining a functional and efficient hydraulic system is to understand how each component within the system works. Something as small as a seal could have a significant impact on a hydraulic system's performance. The more you know about how components work, the better prepared you will be to identify and correct potential problems.

Quad rings are often used as seals in dynamic hydraulic applications. Learn how quad rings are manufactured, installed, and maintained to ensure you can care for your hydraulic seals properly in the future.

1. Manufacturing

Quad rings are manufactured from durable rubber compounds. These compounds make it possible for quad rings to bend and flex in order to fit the exact dimensions of your hydraulic system.

Unlike traditional seals that are made from a continuous supply of rubber, quad rings are manufactured with a lobed design. The lobes are meant to create multiple points of contact between the quad ring and the components it is sealing. Increasing the number of contact points helps to reduce the potential for seal rolling while your hydraulic machinery is in use.

2. Installation

Installation techniques for quad rings bear a striking resemblance to the approach used to install traditional O-ring seals. The old seal must be removed, and the hydraulic components checked for damage. A quad ring will then be lubricated using specialized lubricating fluids.

The unique design of quad rings allows them to retain more lubricant over an extended period of time than their O-ring counterparts. The inner and outer ridges of a quad ring create a channel that traps lubricant and holds it in place.

Be sure that you utilize tools that are designed for hydraulic components to prevent accidental seal damage while installing quad rings.

3. Maintenance

Quad rings require less maintenance than their O-ring counterparts. Since you don't have to worry about your quad rings rolling or drying out, you can go for longer periods of time between seal inspections.

Quad rings are designed to last for a long time, so you should be able to maintain your seals with routine visual inspections. Look for any signs of physical damage or corrosion during these inspections. As long as the quad rings appear to be in good working order, you can continue using them until your next inspection. The low amount of maintenance needed to keep quad rings functional makes them a great option for hydraulic machinery that sees very little scheduled downtime.

Contact a local quad ring supplier to learn more.

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